
Learn commonly used terms on the Planet Protector Academy website
Written by Sion Lanini
Updated 3 months ago

The following are commonly used words throughout the Planet Protector Academy resource:

  • Apprentice - a student participating in the Planet Protector Academy. 

  • Class - An instance of a program that you complete with your class. Add and manage classes in the Teacher Admin area

  • Mission - homework to apply their learning at home in their families. Learn more.

  • Presentation Mode - the student-facing content, accessible from the My Programs page. Take a look.

  • Program - a series of pre-planned lessons on a specific topic. Explore available programs.

  • Remote Control (optional) - a second device you use to control the main presentation Learn how to set it up.

  • Teacher Admin area - where you manage your programs and account. Take a tour.

  • Training Agent - the teacher delivering the Planet Protector Academy

Need help with any other confusing terms or have questions we can answer? Contact our support team for help!

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